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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

jBPM Interview Questions

Before starting  the technical side interviewer may  want to understand from you  what is BPM ?  Why BPM ? what is the problem statement and how it made life easy for developer ,BA and  a client.

"you can search all this topics on this blog along with examples"

Other question that an interviewer may ask frequently 

1. Difference between traditional BPM and jBPM
2. What is runtime manager
Which version of jbpm you are currently using.
3. How many runtime strategies are there for handlin knowledge sessions(1. Singleton  ,2. Per Request ,3. Per Process Instance)
4. Difference between jBPM 5 and 6
5. User Transaction management (explain the scenario)
6. Have you used Java remote rest API. How do we pass input to the process.(Map < String,Object>)
7. How do we do user configuration in jBPM. (add-user.bat or ldap configuration via file)
8. How can we store application data into jBPM DB ()
9. what jBPM env you have worked in. Did you set it up. how did you do it.
10. how do we configure a datasource in jBoss (standalone.xml )
11. How do we integrate LDAP in jBPM (runtime or direct entry in file)
12. How do we design data model in workbench( not used as such in 6.0  version)
13. Major challenges faced while working on JBPM  and how did u overcome that. (task fail over situation or exception handling used user transation manager)
14. What are the ways for Application correlation with jbpm .(Using correlation key)
15. difference between ksession n kbase.
16. how do we get the ksession object mention steps.
(RemoteRestSessionFactory restSessionFactory = new RemoteRestSessionFactory(deploymentId, deploymentUrl, user, password);
RuntimeEngine engine = restSessionFactory.newRuntimeEngine();
                                KieSession ksession = engine.getKieSession();
ProcessInstance processInstance =               ksession.startProcess("org.jbpm.humantask");
                                TaskService taskService = engine.getTaskService(); )
17. What is swim lane
18.  How to define  customer work item handler.
19.  what are the events in the jbpm process.
20. Define  Custom Service task.
21. How to get object from kcontext in the process on different nodes.
22. what is  Reusable sub process .
23. what  multi instance sub process will do.
24. how to integrate rules in the jbpm process.
25. Difference in embedded sub process and reusable sub process.

For more information follow my Tutorial  online @ jbpm tutorial master 

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