Chapter 16. Business Activity Monitoring
- 16.1. Reporting
- 16.2. Direct Intervention
jBPM allows users to define reports based on the events generated by the process engine, and possibly direct intervention in specific situations using complex event processing rules (Drools Fusion), as described in the next two sections. Future releases of the jBPM platform will include support for all requirements of Business Activity Monitoring, including a web-based application that can be used to more easily interact with a running process engine, inspect its state, generate reports, etc.
16.1. Reporting
The Eclipse BIRT framework allows you to define data sets, create reports, include charts, preview your reports, and export them on web pages. (Consult the Eclipse BIRT documentation on how to define your own reports.) The following screen shot shows a sample on how to create such a chart.
Figure 16.1. Creating a report using Eclipse BIRT
The next figure displays a simple report based on some history data, showing the number of requests per hour and the average completion time of the request during that hour. These charts could be used to check for an unexpected drop or rise of requests, an increase in the average processing time, etc. These charts could signal possible problems before the situation really gets out of hand.
Figure 16.2. The eventing report
16.2. Direct Intervention
Drools Fusion provides numerous features that make it easy to process large sets of events. This can be used to monitor the process engine itself. This can be achieved by adding a listener to the engine that forwards all related process events, such as the start and completion of a process instance, or the triggering of a specific node, to a session responsible for processing these events. This could be the same session as the one executing the processes, or an independent session as well. Complex Event Processing (CEP) rules could then be used to specify how to process these events. For example, these rules could generate higher-level business events based on a specific occurrence of low-level process events. The rules could also specify how to respond to specific situations.
The next section shows a sample rule that accumulates all start process events for one specific order process over the last hour, using the "sliding window" support. This rule prints out an error message if more than 1000 process instances were started in the last hour (e.g., to detect a possible overload of the server). Note that, in a realistic setting, this would probably be replaced by sending an email or other form of notification to the responsible instead of the simple logging.
declare ProcessStartedEvent @role( event ) end dialect "mvel" rule "Number of process instances above threshold" when Number( nbProcesses : intValue > 1000 ) from accumulate( e: ProcessStartedEvent( processInstance.processId
== "com.sample.order.OrderProcess" ) over window:size(1h), count(e) ) then System.err.println( "WARNING: Number of order processes in the last hour above
1000: " + nbProcesses ); end
These rules could even be used to alter the behavior of a process automatically at runtime, based on the events generated by the engine. For example, whenever a specific situation is detected, additional rules could be added to the Knowledge Base to modify process behavior. For instance, whenever a large amount of user requests within a specific time frame are detected, an additional validation could be added to the process, enforcing some sort of flow control to reduce the frequency of incoming requests. There is also the possibility of deploying additional logging rules as the consequence of detecting problems. As soon as the situtation reverts back to normal, such rules would be removed again.
For more information follow my Tutorial online @
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